Monday, November 12, 2012

Please Comment...

...on our sample new contract. We are aiming for a fair-to-all, clear contract that will simplify the process and would like to put it into effect by Jan. 1.

We have had very little response on this issue. Please do read the contract. No payment has not changed, but we truly want to know if any parts of the contract is unclear.

So far the only question we had was about the warning we included about online e-mail scams, that can be received by anyone. We felt it only fair to include a warning if asking people to sign up for electronic payment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Arlene!

    I guess I should ask does this new contract override the ones we have already signed? I've read the contract, in fact have printed it out. However, I don't believe I saw anything that would override the ones we have already signed, unless of course, I missed something.
    Now that the Expo is over I can go over the Contract again more thoroughly before commenting again.
