Tuesday, February 14, 2012

IWWG Problems and recipe

Yesterday, members of IWWG received a notice from the Board of Directors that all future IWWG conferences and events were cancelled forthwith and that a lawsuit has been filed against the organization. Members were give an e-mail address where they could post their "thoughts."

I have recommended this organization to women writers of my acquaintance since 1978 when I joined. Over the entirety of my time as a woman writer, I have found IWWG to be an invaluable resource to one and all and because of the Guild and the women I met there, I am a far better person than I might have been otherwise.

Today, I sent my thoughts to the organization. Those thoughts may or may not be correct and have no place being discussed in an open forum such as this one. Such thoughts and ideas should be confined to the membership and the Board. It is the duty of the Board, and of all the individuals involved to find a solution to any problems in a manner that will not "throw the baby out with the bath water."

My thoughts are on record with them. Yes, I made assumptions. Yes, they may be in error.

If so, I plan to cook and eat the following:

Crow Casserole

6 to 8 Crow breasts (Discard the rest of the crows)
6 or 8, Bacon strips
2 medium or one Large Onions, diced
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
4 cups Ritz crackers, crushed
3/4 to 1 cup white cooking wine
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Bay leaf.

Remove crow breasts. Soak overnight in salt water to remove the "wild" taste. Parboil for 1/2 hour. Brown in butter. In a Covered Casserole, place a bed of 1 1/2 inches of crushed Ritz crackers, a layer of chopped onion. Place crow breasts on top and sprinkle with powered garlic.

Cover each breast with bacon strips. Add Bay Leaf. Cover with more of onions and more cracker crumbs. Pour white wine over the whole thing. Cover tightly and Bake for 2 hours at 350 degrees.

If it still tastes like crow, you did something wrong.

Serve to any and all friends who speak before they have all the facts.

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