Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Good Read and a Writing Tip

Fathers of Tomorrow-e

Product Description

Fathers of Tomorrow-e
by Carl E. Burke

The Fathers of Tomorrow is a tale of adventure, murder, love and friendship. It is the story of men who overcome great challenges, whose troubled lives find meaning and purpose in their sons and the bonds they share through time.
First Place Winner: Maryland Writers' Association 2007 Novel Contest

Question from the e-mail:  Is good grammar really THAT important?

Answer: That depends on what you're writing.  If you're writing an e-mail to a friend, you might not care too much how stupid you might sound. Your friends knows YOU and knows what you MEAN if you say something like "I don't no what to do."

BUT if you're writing for publication you darned well should care, because careless and thoughtless mistakes make you look like a careless and thoughtless person to your reader.  

This is especially so if you are a fiction writer. You have to create a whole world for your reader out of nothing but your words. If the words are ill-chosen, and don't look right, then the reader will pop out of your fictional world and back into his chair, trying to figure out what is wrong.

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