Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice - annual poem


God’s gifts are all around us
He sends us, peace, life, snow, cardinals aflutter in winter sunshine
Friends bring books, ceramic pigs, and pecan pie coffee
We are blessed with a caring circle, who
Gift us with love, and life renewed

A man whose heart is generous,
Steady, willing, he smiles and offers:
A strong arm to stir chocolate chips into stiff dough,
Patience, music – sweet good-night kisses
And treats to a gray cat, first thing in the morning

A woman without a country
heart is open as a Chesapeake sky
Dynamite in a small package, eh?
The love in her heart, warms each of us
She offers caring, cheesecake, and a rich turkey-rice soup.

A son returned from a long cold journey
Bleak years led to open arms, and joy untold
Able hands offer service, a caring heart, forgiveness
Friendship, kindness – he blesses our life with
Cookies that smell like Christmas.

A man, who gives much to all those around him
Friendship, patriotism, the bite of sharp Swiss cheese,
Sunshine, generosity, understanding, prayers of Grace
He never waits to be asked, he comes
In times of need and says, "What can I do?"

Apple cake and life are the gifts of her hands
Flowers bloom and thrive in her care
She gives humor, bright smiles, and warm yellow squash
Sun-baked and fresh from the garden
In a full and busy life of service, she still finds time for friends

So many gifts touch our lives
Not the kind that are bought in stores,
But gifts of generosity, of caring, of kindness,
Gifts sent by God, brought by friends and family.
Each of you is a gift, a blessing and a joy untold

– Arline Chase, Winter Solstice 2010

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