No books went to press this week
Galleys That Went Out This Week
THE FLYER, Legacy Series, Vol. 4, by Elena Dorothy Bowman
It was the flyer that brought Victoria Caldwell to Jacob’s Cove and ultimately to Adams Point where she met Ethan and Abigail Becket the owners of the Inn at Adams Point which the flyer had described in such detail that intrigued her and also and their devoted friend Tony Harrington.
Apologies everyone for all the delays...

LAKE EERIE: Haunted Homicide, by Thornton Parsons
The police photographer snapped pictures of the body in the rowboat. Special Agent McCreary ruminated on the initial K that Renda had written in her own blood—she had recognized her killer! Trapped in a dark future between here and the hereafter, Renda Rousseau finds that even in death, she cannot escape the weasel with the Coke-bottle glasses who murdered her at the lake house. But, why? Renda will capture your heart as you join her on her heart-stopping quest to leave her ghostly realm and join David and her children in Heaven. But how? Is she doomed to haunt the lake house for all eternity? Despite her ethereal rage, she is unable to contact her twin sister, Brenda, who knows that Renda holds the key to the mystery of her death.
Cover not Set
WILD AMYTHYST, Poetry by Bobbi Sinha-Morey
Call it ballet with the grace of verse, and that’s what you get inside this book. A whiff of enchantment; a touch of fantasy. Paths that lead to wondrous places and faraway lands. Days of spring like weather and escapism. Some of Bobbi’s poems reflect real life, others imagined, and you’ll read her most genuine musings, thoughts and tales that reveal
her inner character. She draws from experiences in her past, paintings she likes to rest her eyes upon. You’ll find nature, a little dream imagery. The beauty of autumn.
Come experience her most poignant words and the dance of sunrise in her pen.
Cover Not Set
Work continued on the folowing
A collection of essays and Memoirs from noted Eastern Shore Singer-Songwriter, Shelley Abbott.
Gossip Column
Hi Everyone,
Heard from Irma Albrecht, that her husband C.M is under the weather. He writes some of my favorite mysteries, like the one above. We are all thinking of him here and wishing him the best.
The Writer's Bloc has chosen the theme for their new Anthlogy. Meanwhile, sales are going well for last Year's entry... NOIR.
Bloc president, Tom Taylor, sent the following guidelines for submissions:
Hey all,
We are starting the process for our fifth anthology which is themed... Voices.
So the submission guidelines are as follows and if i have missed one or two, please indicate to the group with my apologies.
Members can submit one short story or up to three works of Poetry, up to 2500 words.
Manuscript format -- name and contact info in the upper left corner, word count and publishing rights in the upper right corner, double spaced 14 pt Times New Roman or equivalent font, pagination start on second page
one inch left margin, top and bottom, unjustified right margin, no hyphenated words.
Poems with a particular format should be indicated with such...
submissions should be submitted for critique electronically to the editorial board.
folder as the name of the piece with last name of author
first_title_date submitted ... Taylor_Hearing Voices_03202018.doc
If the piece is not ready for submission, keep it til it is.
Submissions will be critiqued by all participating members, and the suggestions should be weighed to their inclusions.
submissions shall be submitted electronically to the editorial board
as Taylor_Hearing Voices, Searing Vices_ Final_03202018.doc
submission needs a piece of art to accompany it, royalty free, sketch
or picture. or original artwork, submitted electronically with same title.jpeg
One for each piece submitted and please indicate by renaming them as the title of submissions
A bio is also submitted with the same margins as submissions... 100 words
Editorial Board will assign foreword and aftword assignments
Back cover blurbs will be accepted for recommendations of text.
I think i covered most everything.
please submit questions and any desire to be on the editorial board.
tom t
Not sure why Tom is against hyphenated words (or caps). Arline and me have no objections. Also, I believe submissions are only open to members of the Bloc, or Eastern Shoremen, or both. Correct me if I'm wrong, Tom.
Meanwhile, here at home not a lot is going on except their visits to the vets. They are both set for something called CAT-er-act, surgery on the 25th. But I'm sure they will be okay.
Can't be too bad if it starts with a "cat." Right?
Please take time to let us know what's going on .
Just send an e-mail to
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, and I'll see it gets posted
right here for all
the World to see!
Gossip Column
Hi Everyone,
Heard from Irma Albrecht, that her husband C.M is under the weather. He writes some of my favorite mysteries, like the one above. We are all thinking of him here and wishing him the best.
The Writer's Bloc has chosen the theme for their new Anthlogy. Meanwhile, sales are going well for last Year's entry... NOIR.
Bloc president, Tom Taylor, sent the following guidelines for submissions:
Hey all,
We are starting the process for our fifth anthology which is themed... Voices.
So the submission guidelines are as follows and if i have missed one or two, please indicate to the group with my apologies.
Members can submit one short story or up to three works of Poetry, up to 2500 words.
Manuscript format -- name and contact info in the upper left corner, word count and publishing rights in the upper right corner, double spaced 14 pt Times New Roman or equivalent font, pagination start on second page
one inch left margin, top and bottom, unjustified right margin, no hyphenated words.
Poems with a particular format should be indicated with such...
submissions should be submitted for critique electronically to the editorial board.
folder as the name of the piece with last name of author
first_title_date submitted ... Taylor_Hearing Voices_03202018.doc
If the piece is not ready for submission, keep it til it is.
Submissions will be critiqued by all participating members, and the suggestions should be weighed to their inclusions.
submissions shall be submitted electronically to the editorial board
as Taylor_Hearing Voices, Searing Vices_ Final_03202018.doc
submission needs a piece of art to accompany it, royalty free, sketch
or picture. or original artwork, submitted electronically with same title.jpeg
One for each piece submitted and please indicate by renaming them as the title of submissions
A bio is also submitted with the same margins as submissions... 100 words
Editorial Board will assign foreword and aftword assignments
Back cover blurbs will be accepted for recommendations of text.
I think i covered most everything.
please submit questions and any desire to be on the editorial board.
tom t
Not sure why Tom is against hyphenated words (or caps). Arline and me have no objections. Also, I believe submissions are only open to members of the Bloc, or Eastern Shoremen, or both. Correct me if I'm wrong, Tom.
Meanwhile, here at home not a lot is going on except their visits to the vets. They are both set for something called CAT-er-act, surgery on the 25th. But I'm sure they will be okay.
Can't be too bad if it starts with a "cat." Right?
Please take time to let us know what's going on .
Just send an e-mail to
Just send an e-mail to
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, and I'll see it gets posted
right here for all
the World to see!
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