Books that went to press this week
Haunted Circles, by Robert Kanehl
Most freshmen at the university swear that there are ghosts on campus, but Hannah Pitkin Griswold knows the truth. There is one ghost seeking help, the kind of help only Hannah can provide.
Life travels in circles that connect through time. These circles need to meet if spirits are to ever rest. Entering her freshman year of college Hannah runs headlong into a ghost striving to complete a circle of life derailed a hundred years ago.
Can Hannah help the spirit realign her path? Will this spirit be forever searching for a love missing since World War One?
More importantly will Hannah herself complete a circle that has been haunting her since eighth grade?
Apologies everyone for all the delays...

Galleys that went Out this week
LAKE EERIE: Haunted Homicide, by Thornton Parsons
The police photographer snapped pictures of the body in the rowboat. Special Agent McCreary ruminated on the initial K that Renda had written in her own blood—she had recognized her killer! Trapped in a dark future between here and the hereafter, Renda Rousseau finds that even in death, she cannot escape the weasel with the Coke-bottle glasses who murdered her at the lake house. But, why? Renda will capture your heart as you join her on her heart-stopping quest to leave her ghostly realm and join David and her children in Heaven. But how? Is she doomed to haunt the lake house for all eternity? Despite her ethereal rage, she is unable to contact her twin sister, Brenda, who knows that Renda holds the key to the mystery of her death.
Cover not set.
WILD AMYTHYST. Poetry by Bobbi Sinha-Morey
Call it ballet with the grace of verse, and that’s what you get inside this book. A whiff of enchantment; a touch of fantasy. Paths that lead to wondrous places and faraway lands. Days of spring like weather and escapism. Some of Bobbi’s poems reflect real life, others imagined, and you’ll read her most genuine musings, thoughts and tales that reveal
her inner character. She draws from experiences in her past, paintings she likes to rest her eyes upon. You’ll find nature, a little dream imagery. The beauty of autumn.
Come experience her most poignant words and the dance of sunrise in her pen.
Work in Progress
Cover Not Set
THE FLYER, Legacy Series, Vol. 4, by Elena Dorothy Bowman
Finally! The last volume in the ever-popular Legacy Series, a 4 volume time-travel series that is every bit as intriguing as Outlander.
Cover Not Set
A collection of essays and Memoirs from noted Eastern Shore Singer-Songwriter, Shelley Abbott.
Gossip Column
Hi Everyone,
Looks like the medicine finally worked. Anyway, after two weeks of misery, they're starting to look more lively. Arline was back working on covers for Elena Bowman's FLYER, That's not an easy concept to put into illustration, and so far the idea Elena gave her is the only one that is working. Meanwhile, Roger is out picking up all the tree limbs that didn't survive the three (count them, THREE!) nor'easters we had in a row.
If you have any news
Or Really Good Gossip
Don't forget to let us know...
And speaking of good gossip, Andy Nunez almost sold out of copies of his new GHOSTS III of the Eastern Shore at the National Outdoor Show in February and he's planning lots of other shows and meetings to go so he can show it off. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, This is the best one yet!
Now that's the kind of Gossip I call GOOD!
Please take time to let us know what's going on with you.
Just send an e-mail to
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, an I'll see it gets posted
right here!
Gossip Column
Hi Everyone,
Looks like the medicine finally worked. Anyway, after two weeks of misery, they're starting to look more lively. Arline was back working on covers for Elena Bowman's FLYER, That's not an easy concept to put into illustration, and so far the idea Elena gave her is the only one that is working. Meanwhile, Roger is out picking up all the tree limbs that didn't survive the three (count them, THREE!) nor'easters we had in a row.
If you have any news
Or Really Good Gossip
Don't forget to let us know...
And speaking of good gossip, Andy Nunez almost sold out of copies of his new GHOSTS III of the Eastern Shore at the National Outdoor Show in February and he's planning lots of other shows and meetings to go so he can show it off. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, This is the best one yet!
Now that's the kind of Gossip I call GOOD!
Please take time to let us know what's going on with you.
Just send an e-mail to
Just send an e-mail to
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, an I'll see it gets posted
right here!
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