No Galleys Went out this week:

Work began or continued on the following books this week:
LAKE EERIE: Haunted Homicide, by Thornton Parsons
The police photographer snapped pictures of the body in the rowboat. Special Agent McCreary ruminated on the initial K that Renda had written in her own blood—she had recognized her killer! Trapped in a dark future between here and the hereafter, Renda Rousseau finds that even in death, she cannot escape the weasel with the Coke-bottle glasses who murdered her family. Despite her ethereal rage, she is unable to contact her twin sister, Brenda, who knows that Renda is still at the lake house. But, why? Renda will capture your heart as you join her on her heart-stopping quest to leave her ghostly realm and join David and her children in Heaven. But how? Is she doomed to haunt the lake house for eternity? Relive this riveting tale of love, betrayal, and death with Renda as she makes her way back Home. Or does she?
IS JESUS SERIOUS? A Garro Guide for Christians
If, like me, you struggle with some of the behaviors Jesus asks of His followers and with St. Paul's telling us we are called to be saints, I write this 4th Volume in The Jesus Series, "Is Jesus Serious?" to speak to Christians' personal struggles to meet Jesus's and Paul's expectations.

DELICATE DAMES, by Barbara Grengs, author of the popular teen Toby Martin series.
Four filthy rich, entitled, spunky old broads livie in an upscale senior high rise in Mendota Heights, Minnesota where they fight their boredom by playing games, but their usual games of canasta and poker have lost their allure. So what do the girls do to add excitement, adventure, fun and satisfaction? They invent “Pop Goes the Weasel,” a game where they plan to “pop” deserving old coots. What’s not to like about conspiring to commit murder?
Jack's News!
by your Official Bookstore Cat,
and Gossip Columnist.
HI Everyone,
Jack here, your favorite bookstore cat. Haven't heard from a lot of news this week.
We did get a note from Andy Nunez that he will be speaking on his favorite subject at Meredith House, home of the
Dorchester Historical Society on Sunday at NOON. His stories are Always a real Halloween Season treat!
Also, our friends at Chapter Buzz have started another Challenge.
The 10,000 Word Social Writing Challenge
started there Oct 1, but you can still join!
Here's the Link!
Take it from Jack, the cat who knows, even if you don't need a challenge to get the block put of the way, or help to get your first efforts published, it's free advertising for books that are already on the market.
What is the 10K Social Writing Challenge?
It's a way to challenge yourself to write 10,000 words during the month of October, so you can make a good deal of progress on your novel. Although 10,000 words may sound like a lot, keep in mind that it's less than 350 words a day, about a few paragraphs' worth.
Is it too late to register? Looks like the Challenge has already started.
Feel free to enter anytime before October 20—as long as you think you can still write 10,000 words by the end of the month!
Why 10,000 words?
By focusing on a relatively small number of words—instead of, say, 50,000—you'll be able to put more thought into what you’re writing, and end up with a solid foundation for a great novel that you can build on over time.
I've already started on my novel. Can I still enter?
Yes! We encourage preparing materials in advance so that you don't have to start cold. This includes outlines, character sketches, even unfinished books you've already posted on ChapterBuzz. Heck, bring your 50,000 words from the last NaNoWriMo!
As long as you write 10,000 new words during the Challenge month, you'll be eligible for an award.
Are there any prizes?
Several awards, in a variety of categories, will be given to writers at the end of the Challenge. We'll be recognizing both raw writing ability and how well your manuscript-in-progress is received by your fans during the Challenge. Just think, you could be an award-winning writer by the end of October! See previous winners
Does it cost money to enter?
Nope, it's free!
Meanwhile if any of you, my favorite authors, are going to conferences, holding book signings, or have any news or some good gossip for me.
Just drop an e-mail to:
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, and
I'll make sure it shows up here
for all the world to see!
Jack's News!
by your Official Bookstore Cat,
HI Everyone,and Gossip Columnist.
Jack here, your favorite bookstore cat. Haven't heard from a lot of news this week.
We did get a note from Andy Nunez that he will be speaking on his favorite subject at Meredith House, home of the
Dorchester Historical Society on Sunday at NOON. His stories are Always a real Halloween Season treat!
Also, our friends at Chapter Buzz have started another Challenge.
The 10,000 Word Social Writing Challenge
started there Oct 1, but you can still join!
Here's the Link!
Take it from Jack, the cat who knows, even if you don't need a challenge to get the block put of the way, or help to get your first efforts published, it's free advertising for books that are already on the market.
What is the 10K Social Writing Challenge? It's a way to challenge yourself to write 10,000 words during the month of October, so you can make a good deal of progress on your novel. Although 10,000 words may sound like a lot, keep in mind that it's less than 350 words a day, about a few paragraphs' worth. Is it too late to register? Looks like the Challenge has already started. Feel free to enter anytime before October 20—as long as you think you can still write 10,000 words by the end of the month! Why 10,000 words? By focusing on a relatively small number of words—instead of, say, 50,000—you'll be able to put more thought into what you’re writing, and end up with a solid foundation for a great novel that you can build on over time. I've already started on my novel. Can I still enter? Yes! We encourage preparing materials in advance so that you don't have to start cold. This includes outlines, character sketches, even unfinished books you've already posted on ChapterBuzz. Heck, bring your 50,000 words from the last NaNoWriMo! As long as you write 10,000 new words during the Challenge month, you'll be eligible for an award. Are there any prizes? Several awards, in a variety of categories, will be given to writers at the end of the Challenge. We'll be recognizing both raw writing ability and how well your manuscript-in-progress is received by your fans during the Challenge. Just think, you could be an award-winning writer by the end of October! See previous winners
Does it cost money to enter?
Nope, it's free!
Meanwhile if any of you, my favorite authors, are going to conferences, holding book signings, or have any news or some good gossip for me.
Just drop an e-mail to:
"News for Jack"
in the subject line, and
I'll make sure it shows up here
for all the world to see!
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